Melville Water Polo Club (MWPC) Membership Packages
2022-23 Fees
Associate Club Membership – $50
An Associate Membership is a Club Membership for a non-playing member including a parent or sibling(s) of a MWPC playing member as well as a retired player. The membership includes spectator access to the facility during all Club hours at no cost including all water polo matches held at the Club (WAWPI, Fremantle Conference & National Water Polo League)
Access to the Club bar for those that are +18 years of age
If 2 or more family members are members of the Club (either playing or Associate Members), the entire family are eligible for a Family Club Membership at no extra cost.
Family Club Membership – $100
Family Club Membership is an unlimited individual Club membership that can include all immediate family members of a Playing Member
If 2 or more family members are members of the Club (either playing or Associate Members), the entire family are eligible for a Family Club Membership at no extra cost.